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Meet the Writer

You will find on this page a few little things about me. The writer behind Miss Independant. If you have any other questions for me, feel free to leave a comment and I will reply. 🙂

Who am I?

Jackie Chan! No I’m kidding. (you will understand if you have seen Jackie Chan’s movie ‘Who am I?’) I’m just a girl who got bored and started writing a mini series (if you call it that). I love writing, I love animals, I love everything in general…. except cauliflower. I hate that! I am known as the ‘funny one’ Not for my jokes, but for my ditzy actions…. and I wouldn’t change for the world! If you can’t put a smile on a person’s face then what is the point of living!

How old am I?

I am of the tender young age of 22. 😀

Is Miss Independant about me?

Nope. Miss Independant is completely fictional. My life is unfortunately much more boring than hers is (or will be). If it was about me, I wouldn’t be Miss Independant! I would be Miss Who? Lol. Some of the writing is parallel to what I go through every day in reality, but mostly it is just a fantasy lifestyle of a girl on a mission.

Why Miss Independant instead of Miss Independent?

I’m not gonna lie to you. It was a spelling mistake in the middle of the night…. just go with it HAHA.

Will you be writing daily?

No. I work 5 days a week. I write in the evenings, and schedule my posts to publish as and when I feel they will be applicable. If I know I will be busy long term, I will publish with a few days gap. If I have time on my hands, I will publish every day. Just because I miss out one day doesn’t mean I have stopped writing. Patience is a virtue.

When I am extremely busy, there will be longer gaps, but I will still try and get out a chapter at least once a week!

Why did you start writing?

I started writing when I was young. It was mostly poetry, but I soon got into novel-writing. I have been working on my first novel for over a year now, but seem to be struggling as I want it perfect. But I love writing, sharing a passion through words. And having someone appreciate it, what more does a want?

I started writing Miss Independant because I was sat at my computer one day, reading all these blogs that were fictional stories and  I thought ‘hmmm, I am struggling with my novel right now, mybe this will help….’ And thus it began. The journey of Miss Independant…

6 Comments leave one →
  1. September 6, 2011 4:36 am

    Great blog, and I like your stories. 😀

  2. September 3, 2011 9:42 am

    Hey Jackie Chan,

    I love your blog and your mini series, you are an excellent writer! Enjoy reading time your work alot. All the best in your novel be sure to give us some sneak peeks!


    Veeh Cirra

  3. August 7, 2011 9:53 pm

    Thank you for subscribing to my blog, sorry it took so long to do likewise.


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  2. What Kind of Evil Lurks in the Heart of Miss Independant? « Necrotic Hijinks

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